4-week Challenge

Conquer food cravings, improve digestion, and learn sustainable weight loss in just 4-weeks

no counting calories. No counting macros. Just healthy eating.

say goodbye to fad diets...

And HELLO to lasting change.

What You’ll Get

  • ✺4-Week Video Course

    24/7 access to The Inbodied Method Video course, a strategic method for improving food cravings, balancing mood, and obtaining a healthy weight led by Ceylon.

  • ✺Supportive Community

    Connect with others who are on the same journey as you, get motivation, and recieve accountability measures all in a convenient mobile app.

  • ✺Lifetime ACCESS

    Get lifetime access to videos and community - stay in the group and ask questions, engage and get support!

  • ✺1500+ Recipes

    Gluten-free and dairy-free delicious meals, with easy ways to modify for food restrictions. New recipes released each week!

  • ✺New content each week

    Training videos, live group calls, food lists, or new recipes to try each week!

  • ✺Accountability Measures

    A REQUIRED weekly post in the community to update others on progress, what you ate for dinner, or simply to ask a question. This helps you to stsay engaged with the content, and keeps you accountable to your goals!

Join today for only $59.



Balanced Blood sugar

Whether your doctor has told you that you are at risk for diabetes, or you can’t seem to stop eating sugar and carbs, this method will help you to learn ways to keep your blood sugar at bay. Blood sugar affects mental health, sleep, food cravings, and fat burning.

Confidence at restaurants

Did you know that most restaurants follow a similar menu structure? Apply your Inbodied Method guidelines to nearly ANY menu and feel guilt-free about going out to eat!

Improved Food Cravings

Flavor psychology strategies help to eat your food in a certain way, and choose foods to reduce the constant “diet cycle”. Less sugar and carb cravings, more satisfaction.

Better Moods

Strategies for creating calm throughout your day with food! One of the largest contributers to unstable moods and emotions throughout the day is blood sugar imbalances. Learn the foods that improve blood sugar balance, and the foods that worsen it.

Sustainable Weight Loss

Burn fat naturally - no calorie counting or macro tracking. Just simple guidelines using flavor and food psycology, visual techniques, and nutrition education. Obtain a body composition that is healthy for you, and best of all, sustainable!

Efficient Meal prep

Videos on simple ways to meal prep that is not daunting, by batching or preparing ahead. Includes gluten-free and dairy-free recipes for all three meals, snacks, and desserts!

More energy

A natural cause of fatigue is eating processed foods, and low protein. Other causes include poor sleep quality, lack of exercise, and high-sugar diets. By balancing your blood sugar, improving nutrition, exercise, and sleep, you will find yourself energized throughout the day! Even learn the best supplements to support sleep and energy.

Certainty when grocery shopping

There is a technique for stocking your pantry and fridge: and it starts with understanding the nutrition facts label. Make shopping for foods easy!

Find root cause of symptoms

Do you have headaches, rashes, acne, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or heartburn? Many of these are underlying food intolerance issues. Learn about the benefits of an elimination diet!

Join today for only $59 (yes, and lifetime access).


What’s inside

Module 1: More nutrition

Learn what to eat, and what not to eat. The Inbodied Method is a specific strategy to reduce food cravings and obtain a healthy weight and body composition. Easy, step-by-step instructions to build your plate - no counting calories and no macro tracking. Instead Ceylon uses food psychology and visual techniques to choose foods.

Module 2: Less bad stuff

Learn what NOT to put in your body, including toxins, additives, chemicals, and other foods contributing to your imbalanced blood sugar and weight gain.

Module 3: Apply to real life

Learn to read food labels, order at restaurants, and how to choose desserts and snacks that keep you healthy.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • The Inbodied Method membership is perfect for women and men at least 18 years of age, who find themselves unable to lose weight, addicted to sugar and other processed foods, and lost on what “healthy eating” is. This includes someone who has spent many years trying to count calories and macros, with no luck. Oftentimes these people find themselves stuck in the “diet” cycle, and struggle to stick to a consistent, healthy lifestyle. They stress around food. It is important to reach out to your primary care doctor prior to starting this membership.

  • The Inbodied Method membership is NOT for those with eating disorders or who are in recent recovery of an eating disorder, those under 18 years of age, or those with certain medical conditions that require a specific diet prescribed by their physician. This membership is also not for atheletes, as they require specific dietary guidelines, personalized to them.
    In addition, this membership would not be suitable for those who are unable to commit to the program weekly posts and engagement. Please only join if you are ready for a change!

  • The video course is self-paced, allowing you as much time as you need to get through the concepts. However, each video is 5 minutes or less (sometimes they are longer), in order to break down the concepts into simple, “bite-size” pieces :)

    Note that not all the modules are available to you at once. They will be released to you every few days, in a timed schedule starting the day you join.

  • This challenge is 4 weeks long. Altogether, expect to spend about 1 hour a week on content and posts. However, the more time you spend on your health, the more successful you will be. It is important to join this membership with determination, a readiness-to-change, and high committment to your health.

  • You can post anyday, anytime, as long as you are doing it at least once weekly. There is no “rules” around what to post, just as long as you are posting about your progress, questions, concerns or updates related to the program! This can include photos of a recent meal you ate, a new recipe you tried, or questions about a video topic. The point here is to stay engaged and compliant to the program!

  • Absolutely! Ceylon is actively engaged with the community and is available for questions and support and will respond to posts and comments within the feed. If the question is private, please reach out to Ceylon via the memberships private chat feature. Note that if your questions are lengthy or require mutiple responses geared towards your personal health goals, you may be best suited for working one on one with Ceylon. If this is needed, Ceylon offers private client memberships. Email her at InbodyHealthCoach@gmail.com to get started.

Join for only $59.